Since 2002 ATRI, working closely with the Federal Highway Administration, has led the Freight Performance Measures (FPM) program which evaluates the effectiveness of the highway system to facilitate fast, efficient goods movement.
Performance measurements are produced for this program through the use of ATRI’s real-time anonymized freight truck data sourced through unique industry partnerships. ATRI’s truck GPS database currently contains billions of truck data points from more than 500, 000 unique vehicles spanning more than 10 years. These data, which include periodic time, location, speed and anonymous unique identification information, are used by ATRI researchers to produce the following:
- Average speed, travel time and reliability of truck movement on large transportation networks such as the Interstate Highway System.
- Quantification and ranking of highway bottlenecks, urban congestion and localized system deficiencies on the nation’s freight transportation system.
- Crossing time and delay statistics at freight significant U.S./Canadian border crossings.
- Information describing demand for truck routes and highway facilities throughout the U.S.
- Assist in the development of anonymized origin-destination truck trip models and tables.
The following are examples of the products produced through this effort:
- National Corridors Data Analysis Tool
- FPMweb Web-based Analysis Tool
- Annual Bottleneck Reporting
- Truck Flow Analysis